Rootstech FAQ
SHOTBOX provides unique photography-based solutions for the online selling, family history, photography and home marketplaces. Our gateway product is the SHOTBOX Portable Light Studio that helps users take better photos for online selling, documents, photographs, and creative expression. It is a quick alternative for traditional, time-consuming scanning. The SHOTBOX is a Collapsible Tabletop Photo Light Studio that uses high powered LEDs to create a perfectly lit “micro-studio” environment to get great images with any camera, including smartphones, DSLR, and digital point-and-shoot.
Why do I need a SHOTBOX?
The need is urgent. Over 90% of historical materials on our planet have yet to be digitized. With over 128M households in the U.S. alone, there are an estimated 800M+ un-scanned, legacy-relevant journals, albums, scrapbooks, and billions of photos. All these contain heritage, culture, history, data, information, and stories, and are very much at risk.
We are only one disaster, catastrophe, death, or generation away from massive loss. We need to activate our homes to get into the nooks and crannies where our histories are stored before it’s too late.
Our mission statement is simple: Every Home. Every History. Every One.
What are the exact dimensions of the box?
The inside measures 14 1/4" wide, 15" deep, and 15" tall.
How long will the SHOTBOX last?
SHOTBOX is the only hard-shell photo studio on the market. It will last year after year. Just set it up in seconds when you need it, and stow it away when you don't.
Are the lights replaceable?
The lights aren't replaceable, but they are rated at 50,000 hours, equating to 22+ years at 6 hours a day. So they won't go out anytime soon. We guarantee the box for any failures for 12 months. That would include anything with the structure, wiring and lighting, etc.
Does the SHOTBOX scan negatives or slides?
Negatives and slides are not in the scope of SHOTBOX. We recommend Kodak Scanza ( if you have a big project and a decent amount to do, or Photomyne's SlideScan and FilmBox ( with a backlight if it's not too many. If you have 1000's of slides there might be Family History center like BYU has that has expensive equipment you can use, but even something like the Scanza can go through that many, especially if you put on a couple of movies and just get rolling. Then they are done for good. :-)
Can I use a DSLR camera with my SHOTBOX?
Yes! The top holes are large enough to shoot through, especially with our accessory DSLR Donuts which are sized to snuggly fit any DSLR lens. You can also use a mini-tripod, or "elbow-pod" to shoot from the front.
Why the hourglass shape? Are the walls supposed to stay slightly angled in?
The hourglass shape holds 4 distinct features over a regular cube box: 1- The angles actually assist the light within the box to diffuse and balance. By providing more angles to bounce off of and collide with it creates softer lighting on the floor. 2- The shape assists the easy collapsible nature of the SHOTBOX. 3- By having the hourglass corners fit snuggling into the back support wall, very instant and easy strength and stability is achieved. 4- Aesthetically it is a pleasing design.