Top 4 Things You Need to Know Before You Start an Online Store

Starting your own business can be scary. Starting your own online business can be absolutely terrifying. The online world evolves so quickly and there are so many moving parts when trying to base your distribution online.

However, there are a few tips for having a successful online store that will stand the test of time and Internet evolution.

Stand by your product
The number one thing that will keep a business from doing well is loss of interest or motivation on the part of the owner. Having a product that you really believe in is one way to ensure you’re not going to lose your steam.

Another reason it’s crucial to have a product you are passionate about is because consumers gravitate to authenticity. If you have a genuine love for what you’re selling, your audiences are more likely to love it too.

Importance of a Name

The name that you pick for your online store can be just as important as the products you sell. Oftentimes, online browsers will see the name of your store before they see the specifics of what you sell. Your name can communicate a lot, not only about what your store offers, but about your brand and vibe as well. Make your name memorable and unique while keeping your audiences preferences in mind.

Maintain Visibility

Even with the best product and the cleverest name, no efforts are truly effective if no one is seeing your store. Online shoppers will usually look for something specific as opposed to just browsing. This means that keywords are crucial. Brainstorm the common words or phrases that may be used to find your product. For example: jewelry store owners may choose to use keywords like “gold long chain purple amethyst necklace” instead of just “purple necklace.”

Understand the Power of Pictures

Taking good photos of your products is crucial to your online store’s success. It’s your first opportunity to (literally) show your stuff and convince a consumer that they need your products in their lives. Your photography not only can convince a shopper to buy, but can make or break a customer’s satisfaction level. If your photos are poorly lit, it’s possible that the customer was expecting something different… a different color, size or quality. It’s important to ensure that your product photos are clean, well-lit and representative of your product and your brand.

It may seem daunting, but achieving professional product photography doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. In fact, you can do it yourself! Instead of hiring a photographer or renting a professional tabletop studio, you can invest in a light box and take your own product shots.

SHOTBOX is a self-contained tabletop lightbox kit that is affordable and easy to use. It collapses, making it easy for storage and transportation. The best part about SHOTBOX is that is was designed to take beautiful photos on your smart phone, so you don’t need to invest a ton in expensive equipment. 

Shop SHOTBOX today on or Amazon Prime!